Example Sounds
Below are some example pedalboards, and actual sound samples thru pi-Stomp hardware. These pedalboards, along with others, will be included as “starter pedalboards” when you download the software. Others from the Mod community can be checked out here: https://pedalboards.moddevices.com/
Distorted Tones

- Vox HDC (both humbuckers, volume=9 intro, 6 verse) > pi-Stomp > Audio Interface > DAW with no extra processing
- Effects: DOD-250-ish overdrive, JCM-800 Amp, 4×12 Cab, Chorus1, Hall Reverb
- Vox HDC-77 (bridge pickup) > pi-Stomp > Audio Interface > DAW with no extra processing
- Effects: DOD-250-ish overdrive, JTM-45 Amp, 4×12 Cab, Chorus2, Echo, Hall Reverb
Solo Tone

- Strat (neck pickup) > pi Stomp > Audio Interface > DAW with clean-ish amp simulator (Fender Vibro Champ)
- Effects: Compression, Stacked Overdrive, Modulated Delay and Plate Reverb
- Backing tracks (Drums, Bass, Organ) from JamKazam
Clean Tones

- Strat (middle/bridge pickups) > pi-Stomp > Audio Interface > DAW with no extra processing
- Compressor, Tube Warmth, AC-30 Amp, 4×12 Cab, Double delay (1/4 and dotted 8th), Room Reverb

- Strat (middle/bridge pickups) > pi-Stomp > Audio Interface > DAW with clean-ish amp simulator (mid 80’s Marshall Plexi)
- Over the top Compression, Occasional Overdrive (second sample), Stereo Chorus, Delay & Reverb
- My own backing tracks. Literally recorded in the 90’s.
Amp, Cabinet & Reverb Simulators

- Strat (bridge pickup) > pi Stomp > Audio Interface > DAW without any additional processing
- All distortion, reverb, amp and cabinet tones are from the simulator plugins on the pi-Stomp
- Amp sim: Marshall JTM-45; Cab 4×10 Bassman; Reverb: “Cupboard”
- Good example of flexible routing in stereo
- Backing tracks (drums and bass) from JamKazam
Composition and play
Effects can be a great source of inspiration. Here’s a pedalboard designed to encourage play, with fun delays, a whammy (pitch shift) and phrase looper.

And a semi-improvisational piece it inspired (single take, all hiccups and “mistakes” intact).
- Strat (Neck pickup) > pi-Stomp > Audio Interface > DAW with no additional processing
- Clean Amp Simulator, Reverse Delay (intro and last half), Double delay (1/8th notes), Plate reverb
- Strat (Neck pickup) > pi-Stomp > Audio Interface > DAW with no additional processing
- Distortion (also used as a volume swell), Clean Amp Simulator, Whammy (pitch shift), Reverse Delay, Double delay, Plate Reverb, Looper (first phrase)