pi-Stomp Core kits back in stock and how about that Color LCD?

Finally got parts in stock to make more kits available. Most kits arrive in the US within 4 days of ordering. Can ship most anywhere in the world as well, it just takes longer. Over 60 pi-Stomps have been built in 15+ countries now.

Also, now offering footswitches and inline power switches as add on items.

Have you seen the color LCD with the latest software update? It’s beautiful! Plugins are colored by category (Green=Distortion/Overdrive, Violet=Delay, LightBlue=Reverb, Brown=Simulators, etc.) And yeah, you can change the colors to be whatever you want (just edit pi-stomp/pistomp/lcdcolor.py).

Another new change is a toolbar for showing and changing Bypass/Processing and System settings. Wifi Status also shown.

Software updates are easy, just ssh and run 3 commands.

We’ve also got CAD drawings to help you drill your own enclosure

In the works:

An add-on board for adding DIN-Midi in/out and Expression pedal input

Example build with more footswitches and knobs

Bass and Keyboard example pedalboards

Expanded documentation and tutorials (let us know if there’s a specific topic you’d like covered)

Bug Fixes

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